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Common Questions

Do your books need to be read in order?

There is extra enjoyment to be had if you read the series in order, but it’s not necessary. Each crime story is complete unto itself. The personal stories of the continuing characters, however, do develop over time and across books. Bottom line: if you prefer to read a series in order — then definitely read them in order.

What is the correct order of the Cardinal series?

Will you appear at my bookstore, library or other speaking event?

When is the next Cardinal book coming out?

I don’t know. Right now I am fully engaged in a couple of other literary projects,

so it could be a good long while.



Do your books need to be read in order?

There is extra enjoyment to be had if you read the series in order, but it’s not necessary. Each crime story is complete unto itself. The personal stories of the continuing characters, however, do develop over time and across books. Bottom line: if you prefer to read a series in order — then definitely read them in order.



What is the correct order of the Cardinal series?

1. Forty Words for Sorrow, 2000
2. The Delicate Storm, 2003
3. Black Fly Season, 2005
4. By the Time You Read This, 2006
5. Crime Machine, 2010
6. Until the Night, 2012



Will you appear at my bookstore, library or other speaking event?

Please contact Scott Sellers at Penguin Random House Canada.



Why do you call it Algonquin Bay—why not just call it North Bay?

Algonquin Bay is closely modelled on North Bay, Ontario. North Bay, however, is only about 50,000 people, with a detective force of six. With those kinds of numbers, the risk of a character accidentally appearing to resemble a real person is too great. For example,

I discovered after the first book was published that there really was a detective named Delorme. Luckily, he was male.



Do you have a presence on social networks? How about a newsletter or a message board?

I am just now getting up and running on social media. Try gilesbluntbooks on Instagram.



Where can I see the CARDINAL TV series?

All four seasons are available on Crave or 

© 2024 Giles Blunt, All rights reserved

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